NeNe Leakes’ Son Arrested for Fentanyl Possession
Nearly a decade ago, Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes’ oldest son Bryson Bryant tested positive for cocaine after being arrested for DUI. Earlier this month, Bryson was arrested for Fentanyl possession and told officers he was his younger brother Brent.
Radar Online reports:
According to court documents obtained by, on July 3, Bryson was arrested for felony possession of Fentanyl, a Schedule II-controlled substance.
In a criminal arrest warrant, prosecutors said the crime happened around 1 AM at a home in Lawrenceville, Georgia. In addition to the drug charge, Bryson was hit with a misdemeanor “loitering/prowling” charge.
The police affidavit claimed Bryson was at the address in question “evading police and claiming he knew the people that lived at the residence which was false.”
During questioning, when asked for his name, Bryson told officers he was his younger brother, Brentt Leakes, who NeNe had with her late husband, Gregg. As a result, the first few filings in the criminal case have Brentt’s name on it.
Brentt and Bryson do not share the same father.
Jail records show that Bryson was booked into the Gwinnett County Jail at around 2:36 AM. His bond was set at $5,900. The booking sheet has him listed under Brentt’s name. He was released at 12:20 PM.
During booking, Bryson gave officers an address to a home that NeNe sold off years ago.
In newly filed documents, prosecutors added a charge of “giving a false name, address or birthdate to a law enforcement officer.” The updated filing listed the defendant as Bryson Rashard Bryant with a date of birth of 12/26/1989.
According to jail records, it appears Bryson was rearrested and is currently behind bars.
Bryson was also accused of violating probation in another case. He’s scheduled to appear in court later this month.