Donald Trump Falsely Claims 82% Of Voters Believe The 2020 Election Was ‘Rigged’
The unsubstantiated claim was made at a ‘Get Out The Vote’ rally in North Carolina, where Trump told a crowd of his supporters, “What happened at that last election was a disgrace, and we’re not going to let it happen again.”
“We’re not going to let it happen again. Did you ever notice they want to go after the people that find out where the cheating was — and, by the way, 82% of the country understands that it was a rigged election, OK? You can’t have a country with that,” he continued. “A poll came out, 82% — but they go after the people — they don’t go after the people that rigged the election — they go after the people that looking, they’re looking for the people that rigged the election. And that’s the people they go after.”
“They got away with something; they’re never going to get away with it again.”