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Enforcement letters to independent schools

Published 3 October 2019

Last updated 11 August 2023
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  1. Added ‘Cheshire Alternative Provision School: voluntary closure notice’.

  2. Added ‘The Institute of Islamic Education closure letter and relevant restrictions letter’.

  3. Removed enforcement letters for Fusion College, Acorn House College, Rabia Girls and Boys School and Yeshivah Ohr Torah School.

  4. Removed ‘Rabia Girls School: enforcement letter’. Added enforcement letters for: Acorn House College, TTD Gur, Rabia Girls and Boys School, Fusion College and Bnois Jerusalem Girls School.

  5. Removed ‘Promised Land Academy: enforcement letter’.

  6. Added enforcement letters for: Homeschool, Yeshivah Ohr Torah School and Promised Land Academy.

  7. Removed letters for Al-Ihsaan Community College, Beis Ruchel D’Satmar School, Oak Tree High School, Olive Tree Primary School and Park Avenue Girls’ High School.

  8. Removed Ampleforth College: enforcement letter.

  9. Added ‘Ampleforth College: enforcement letter’.

  10. First published.

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