If only they’d advertised with the Bedford Independent – business fined for fly-posting on Ampthill Road
A business has been ordered to pay a £100 fixed penalty notice for fly-posting on Amptihill Road after tracking the person responsible for putting them up through CCTV footage from the area.
The posters, advertising sofas for sale, were removed by the council and could have resulted in a fine of up to £2,500 but in this instance, Bedford Borough Council issued the highest Fixed Penalty Notice permitted by legislation, which is £100.
A Bedford Borough Council spokesperson said: “Fly-posters are unsightly, spoil the environment and are illegal. They can also be a hazard to road users and pedestrians by obscuring the view of the highway, which can lead to accidents.”
The council is now reminding businesses that they will remove and dispose of fly-posters as soon as they are reported and will always take enforcement action against those caught fly-posting.
“This could result in a fine of up to £2,500 for putting up a poster that is removed on the same day, and so isn’t a gamble worth taking for businesses, especially when cheaper and more effective ways to advertise are available,” they added.
The business owner has since paid the fine.
Fly-posting is the unauthorised placing of advertising on property, without the permission of the owner. You can report a precise location and description of any fly-posting you see online.
Businesses wishing to find a “cheaper and more effective way to advertise” should contact [email protected].