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Jeffrey Epstein Donated $9.1M to Harvard Before 2008 Arrest: Report

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly donated more than $9 million to Harvard University in the years leading up to his 2008 arrest, has learned.

In the latest development to come after it was revealed Epstein had a close friendship with former Harvard president Lawrence Summers, it was found that the convicted sex offender also donated a whopping $9.1 million to the university between 1998 and 2008.

According to the Nation, the donations were made to support a variety of research and faculty activities at the prestigious Ivy League university.

Also, while Harvard stopped accepting donations from Epstein following his 2008 arrest and conviction for soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution, the university chose not to return the $9.1 million gifted to Harvard from Epstein.

The Nation reported that Epstein donated a total of $500,000 to Harvard professor Martin Nowak between 1999 and 2001. Epstein then donated $6.5 million to help establish a Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED) under Nowak’s direction.

The billionaire financier-turned-sex offender would then go on to donate an additional $2 million – alongside three other donors – to build a Jewish student center at Harvard.

By the time Harvard stopped accepting donations from Epstein due to his arrest in 2008, the convicted sex offender had donated $9,179,000 to support Harvard faculty and the university’s various programs.

Meanwhile, the Nation found that Epstein continued to “introduce potential donors” to Harvard between 2010 and 2015.

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