UN Human Rights Council 55: UK Statement for Commission of Inquiry on Syria
Thank you, Mr President.
Thank you, Commissioners, for your stark assessment of the continued plight of the Syrian people, 13 years since peaceful protests were so brutally suppressed.
We echo your concerns regarding the significant escalation in hostilities, the continued use of indiscriminate and direct attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. Chilling developments, when humanitarian needs across Syria are at their highest level since the beginning of the conflict.
Once again, your report documents clearly the continued widespread use of sexual and gender-based violence, arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture, and the devastating impact this has on the Syrian people. Including those families waiting years to hear about their loved ones. For these appalling atrocities committed in Syria we are clear: the Assad regime and its allies bear primary responsibility.
We should not turn our attention away from Syria. I urge fellow members of this Council to help ensure accountability for these serious violations.
What recommendations do you have to ensure humanitarian access and effective delivery of aid is provided to all Syrians in need, and in all areas of Syria?
And how can the international community best support tangible action to follow up on your recommendations?