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UN Human Rights Council 57: Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on Haiti

Thank you, Mrs Vice-President.

La dĂ©tĂ©rioration des droits humains en Haiti continue de choquer, notamment avec une autre tuerie la semaine passĂ©e. L’augmentation du recrutement, de l’exploitation et l’abus d’enfants combinĂ©e avec l’aggravation de la violence sexuelle afin de semer la terreur et punir les communautĂ©s sont intolĂ©rables. Ceci s’ajoute aux enlĂšvements et meurtres qui continuent d’ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s par les gangs criminels pour faire souffrir la population.

La stabilitĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© sont essentielles dans le combat contre le flĂ©au des gangs. C’est pour cela que nous soutenons la rĂ©solution crĂ©ant la Mission multinationale d’appui Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© en HaĂŻti. De plus, le Royaume-Uni contribuera ÂŁ5 millions Ă  la Mission d’appui afin que le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme puisse s’assurer que le dĂ©ploiement respecte les standards internationaux de droits humains, de conduite et de discipline.

Nous continuons d’agir contre les auteurs de ces violations des droits humains en Haiti avec des sanctions et nous avons coparrainĂ© la derniĂšre liste adoptĂ©e par le Conseil de SĂ©curitĂ© le mois dernier.

Director Salazar, Mr O’Neill,

Where can the international community best focus its efforts to assist the Haitian government to bring the stability and security that the country so desperately needs and deserves?

Thank you.

Thank you, Mrs Vice-President.

The deterioration of human rights in Haiti continues to shock with another horrifying killing last week. The growing recruitment, exploitation, and abuse of children combined with a significant increase in the use of sexual violence to spread fear and punish communities are sickening. This is in addition to kidnapping and murder that have long been used by criminal gangs to inflict suffering on the population.

Stability and security are vital components to tackling the scourge of gangs, and to this end we strongly supported the UN Resolution to bring about the Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti. Furthermore, the UK has pledged £5 million to the Support mission to assist the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in ensuring the deployment’s compliance with international standards on human rights, conduct and discipline.

We continue to take action against perpetrators of human rights abuses in Haiti through sanctions, and co-sponsored the latest designations agreed by the UNSC last month.

Director Salazar, Mr O’Neill,

Where can the international community best focus its efforts to assist the Haitian government to bring the stability and security that Haiti so desperately needs and deserves?

Thank you.

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