Woman and Family Ambush Florida Deputies, Killing One: Cops
Deputies attempted to contact the people inside the home for about an hour before Master Deputy Sheriff Bradley Michael Link, 28, and Deputy Harold Howell, 41, entered the home.
Body camera footage shows Link walked through a laundry room and into a hallway, where a man in what appeared to be body armor and armed with a rifle sitting on a couch, was “waiting to ambush” the deputies, Grinnell said.
Link did not see the man, believed to be Sulpizio’s husband, Michael Sulpizio, and turned the other way before a hail of gunfire erupted, striking Link in the back multiple times, officials said.
A bullet also hit Howell in the wrist, as Michael Sulpizio continued to shoot at Link, who unsuccessfully tried to crawl to safety, the sheriff said. During this time, another perpetrator in the home reportedly began firing at deputies outside the home.