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Matobo villagers upset over Headman’s school fees ultimatum

Matobo villagers upset over Headman’s school fees ultimatum

According to reports, a meeting was held last week where parents with outstanding fees were given until July 29, 2024, to settle their accounts.

“We’re facing a serious problem here,” said one villager. “The headman, along with the school principal, called a meeting last Wednesday at Mambale Primary School for parents who owe school fees.”

The villager alleges they were instructed to pay R300 to the school by the specified date. “Those who fail to comply will be visited by a chief’s messenger, incurring an additional US$20 fee,” he added.

Another villager expressed the community’s struggle to gather funds under this pressure.

The villagers further claim the headman rejected school fee payments facilitated by the government, citing delays in processing.

“My father is a war veteran, and we submitted forms at Mhlahlandlela last term for the government to cover the fees,” a source said. “But the headman rejected it, saying the government takes too long to pay. Now, my father has to pay out of pocket and hopes to be reimbursed once the government comes through.”

“When my father requested a letter from the school to take to Mhlahlandlela, they refused to give him one,” the source added.

The situation has heightened anxieties, with villagers fearing a follow-up meeting on July 29th. They believe the headman plans to use the school register to identify defaulters and then seize goats or valuables from their homesteads. This is particularly concerning given the lack of employment opportunities in the area, forcing many to rely on NGOs for survival.

Contacted for comment, Headman Matenga confirmed calling a meeting to encourage parents to settle their outstanding fees.

“We held a meeting to urge parents to pay their school fees,” he said. “According to the teachers, most haven’t paid in a long time.”

Headman Matenga acknowledged setting a due date but clarified it was intended for parents to meet with the School Development Committee (SDC) and teachers to discuss their arrears and establish payment plans.

He further explained that mentioning the chief’s messenger was meant to motivate parents to pay and ensure the school’s smooth operation.

However, Matenga denied rejecting government-facilitated fee payments.

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