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PSL chases political shadows as Dynamos, Highlanders face sanctions 

By Darlington Gatsi 

CASTLE Lager Premier Soccer League has been rattled by political tensions that characterised Sunday’s match pitting Highlanders and Dynamos.

The much anticipated battle of Zimbabwe was abandoned in the 37th minute after violence erupted emanating from a match officiating dispute.

In a statement, PSL chairman, who is also Zanu PF Member of Parliament (MP) Farai Jere said that they do not condone political undertones in local football.

“As we are currently awaiting official reports from the Match Commissioner and Referee before commencing disciplinary procedures, we would like to reiterate that violence and hooliganism have no place in our football and we expect those that breach our rules and regulations to be brought to book.

“The PSL is an apolitical sporting organisation whose objectives are to develop football and foster unity among the communities. We deplore elements who want to use football gatherings to pursue selfish and divisive interests.

“We urge clubs to educate their supporters on Football Rules and Regulations. Pitch invasion and crowd,” said Jere.

Highlanders supporters could be heard singing political songs at its famous housing Soweto stand as they protested.

Political tensions are currently permeating the country after the disputed August elections.

Highly charged Highlanders supporters went on a rampage Sunday invading the pitch, and throwing missiles.

Outside the stadium, Bosso supporters rammed cars attracting a response from Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) who splashed water in nearby suburbs.

In a statement, Highlanders said violence has no place in Sport.

“The club condemns the unsporting behavior that negatively profiles Zimbabwean football as a brand.

“It is sad to witness such ugly scenes at a family sports event, especially at a time when the club, together with other stakeholders are working tirelessly to bring fans back into the stadiums and convincing the corporate world that sport in general and football, in particular, is worth their support.

“We would like to apologise to all our stakeholders, particularly our sponsors, partners and innocent football loving fans who were affected by the acts of a few selfish individuals who care less about the growth of their clubs and football in general. We also pray for those who were injured and wish them a speedy recovery.

“The club also takes this opportunity to implore stakeholders to put their heads together and find a lasting solution to this vice that continuously brings the name of the game into disrepute,” read the statement.


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