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We won’t make promises we can’t pay for, minister says on two-child cap

Housing Secretary and deputy prime minister Angela Rayner and Environment Secretary Steve Reed have penned a letter to environmental organisations detailing the government’s stance on planning and infrastructure in attempt to get them on board.

Addressed to “all those working in the environmental sector and who care for our natural environment”, the letter makes the case that Labour was elected on a mandate both to get Britain building and protect the natural environment.

The pair write that while nature recovery remains a “top priority”, conservation blocking of development needs to stop.

“This is not a matter of choosing one of these priorities
over another. Sustained economic growth depends upon a healthy natural environment,” it reads.

It goes on to say: “When it comes to the planning system’s role in providing the nature and housing we need, we know that the status quo is not working.

“Environmental assessments and case-by-case negotiations of mitigation and compensation measures often slow down the delivery of much-need housing and infrastructure.

“Meanwhile, the condition of our environment, and even our most important habitats and species, has declined over a sustained period.

“This is a lose-lose situation, for our economy, the public and for the natural environment.”

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