Vapostori rubber stamps Mnangagwa victory, looks forward to inauguration
By Darlington Gatsi
MEMBERS of the apostolic sect – which form the support base of Zanu PF – have torn into foreign observer missions that proffered adverse reports on the just ended general elections.
Zimbabwe held general elections last week with Zanu PF presidential candidate Emmerson Mnangagwa emerging triumphant posting 52.6 percent of the vote against close challenger Nelson Chamisa of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) who polled 44 percent.
However, the election results are disputed with the opposition dismissing them as they argue were held in a flawed manner.
Their voices are also echoed by observer missions like the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Commonwealth, and European Union Election Observer Mission (EUEOM).
The National Judicial Council Of Vapostori spokesperson Takawira Mapuranga said the foreign observer mission sidestepped from their mandate.
“The National Judicial Council Of Vapostori would want to urge everyone who participated in the just ended Harmonized Election to respect the Sovereignty of Zimbabwe and respect the Laws that govern all Zimbabwe institutions and Bodies. The NJCV believes that the mandate of Election Observer Missions is not to question and interrogate the Institution and Legislative Laws of a Sovereignty Country,” said Mapuranga.
Foreign observer missions have received backlash from the ruling party Zanu PF over its reports which they say were biased.
Mapuranga added “The National Judicial Council Of Vapostori is duty-bound to continue protecting the Sovereignty of Zimbabwe, we did it through religious support dating back from the white colonial era until the Independence of Zimbabwe which came through 16 years of liberation war.
“Our Vapostori founding fathers were tortured, incarcerated, killed and detained for demanding freedom of Zimbabwe, demanding democracy, demanding one man one vote and demanding our Zimbabwe which should be governed by Zimbabweans. The NJCV respects the International community and we strongly believe that we are friends to everyone and enemy to none.
“In conclusion, we are urging the political players in Zimbabwe to maintain peace and avoid unjustifiable tarnishing on this credible, peaceful transparent election. We call all Zimbabweans to shun violence and commend the Police to continue doing their law enforcement duties. We look forward to see a peaceful Inauguration and a productive Parliament.”