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Mizzy’s viral videos show the flaws with TikTok’s AI moderation system

Spend five minutes watching the videos posted by London-based TikTok ‘prankster’ Mizzy, and you’ll wonder why they remained on the platform for quite so long.

In the videos, the 18-year-old appears to cause havoc. Some of them appear to show Mizzy, real name Bacari Ogarro, walking up to women who are standing alone and allegedly threatening them. The Metropolitan Police has since made an arrest.

Ogarro’s account has now been deleted from TikTok, but he had previously been posting with impunity. One clip that appears to show him entering a stranger’s house, sitting down on their sofa, and causing the family to worry, was posted online two weeks ago.

For users who spend any time watching the supposed prank videos, the delay in TikTok taking action to remove the videos seems baffling. But it highlights a fatal flaw in the moderation of content on social media: your five minutes flicking through his videos to see what they show is a lifetime compared to the mere seconds content moderators for big tech platforms get to make decisions.

TikTok has 40,000 content moderators working around the world. However, that number pales in comparison to the content they’re expected to adjudicate on. A 2020 statement to parliament suggested British TikTok users posted 1.6 million videos a day to the platform – a number likely to have risen significantly.

Not all those videos will be seen by a human. TikTok’s content moderation system works first by using artificial intelligence (AI), specifically computer vision, to sift out any videos likely to break its rules. Those videos are then sent to a human moderator to mark the AI’s homework.

Other videos, reported by a user as breaching rules, can be sent to human moderators to check. But viewers might not have chosen to report the video. “Prank videos have a strong social media legacy, resonating with users’ desire for surprise, amusement, and engaging stimulation,” said Tom Divon, studying TikTok cultures at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

TikTok removed around six in every 1,000 videos posted to the app between October and December 2022, the latest period for which data is available. In the UK in the same period, it took down 2.1 million videos, 75 per cent of which came before anyone viewed the video.

A TikTok spokesperson told the i: “Our Community Guidelines are clear that we prohibit content promoting criminal activity. In relation to this issue, we have banned accounts for violating these guidelines.”

TikTok’s system isn’t unusual across social media. And it works relatively well for videos where the problematic content appears obvious: nudity, guns and weapons can all be spotted by AI, and the human moderators can check if the context in which they are displayed is forbidden. TikTok internally characterises its approach to moderation as “AI for scale and people for context”.

The problem with the videos in this case are they look, to an AI, innocuous. Without the context of knowing the house Ogarro allegedly entered is not his, you are presented with a person walking through a door and sitting on a sofa. “Moderation decisions often involve assessing the context and intent behind videos. Determining whether a specific prank video crosses the line into criminal behaviour can be subjective and require careful analysis,” said Divon.

When a human looks at the video, they can quickly tell something isn’t right. But it appears that, before the videos gained press coverage, the AI had not flagged them to be checked by a human. Why would it?

Even if it had, TikTok’s army of human content moderators only have seconds to decide whether a video breaches the platform’s rules. One current moderator told me they are tasked with checking 1,000 videos in a single shift, which requires rapid decisions – and can result in some videos slipping through the net.

There are also questions beyond moderation that ought to be asked, said Liam McLoughlin, a lecturer at the University of Liverpool who specialises in social media and content moderation. “You have the bigger picture questions. Why do you have adolescents creating videos running into strangers’ houses, stealing dogs, and harassing people?”

The existence of such videos is because there’s an audience for them. “We know platforms are designed in such a way to elicit certain user behaviour, such as longer viewing times on the app or less abusive content,” McLoughlin told the i. “But it seems platforms such as TikTok and YouTube also contain perverse incentives for risky, anti-social, or illegal behaviours.”

McLoughlin added: “Typically, people view being arrested as a moment of shame and public humiliation. But everything about the way he handed himself in at the police station suggests it’s geared for even more views and public clout, including friends with multiple cameras to record it, and a statement to his fans.”

Banning illegal videos is all well and good, said McLoughlin. “But platforms need to go further and explore the techno-sociological impacts their platforms have, and a closer look behind their recommendation algorithms if they really want to get serious about stopping this type of content.”

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