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Doctor Delivered Body and Legs Delivered via C-Section, Head Delivered in Natural Birth — Report

Expecting parents had their dreams of raising a baby boy turn into a nightmare when an Atlanta doctor allegedly decapitated their infant during delivery, has learned.

The baby boy’s arms and legs were delivered via cesarean section and its head was delivered vaginally. While the hospital has claimed the infant died prior to delivery, police have launched an investigation into the death.

According to the parent’s complaint, mother Jessica Ross, 20, went to Prime Healthcare Inc. emergency room, which operated under the Southern Regional Medical Center, after her water broke at around 10 AM on July 9. The father, Treveon Taylor Sr., was also present.

Later that day at around 8:40 PM, Ross was fully dilated and was instructed to start pushing, as physician Dr. Tracey St. Julian, M.D. was attempting to deliver the infant vaginally.

The complaint continued that after Ross started pushing, her son stopped descending through the birth canal due to a condition, shoulder dystocia.

Dr. St. Julian was said to have tried numerous methods to continue with the natural delivery, which included applying traction to the infant’s head.

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Ross claimed that she requested a c-section but was denied by the hospital. After three hours of attempting to delivery the baby, Treveon Taylor Jr., naturally, the physician ordered a STAT c-section at approximately 11:49 PM.

Shortly after, the baby boy’s legs and arms were removed via cesarean at 12:11 AM and his head was delivered vaginally.

The parents alleged in their complaint that Dr. St. Julian did not inform them that their baby had been decapitated when she spoke to them hours later at 5 AM.

The Southern Regional Medical Center released a statement on the infant’s death and ongoing investigation, while citing HIPAA as a reason for not disclosing additional details on the horrific incident.

“Due to patient privacy laws and HIPAA, we are unable to discuss the care and treatment of specific patients, but we can state this unfortunate infant death occurred in utero prior to the delivery and decapitation,” the hospital’s statement read.

“The hospital voluntarily reported the death to the Clayton County Medical Examiner’s office and is cooperating with all investigations. Since this matter is in litigation, we cannot provide additional statements.”

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