The fathers reading to children study makes no mention of genetics
Fathers make a big difference – at least according to new research from the University of Leeds, announced earlier this week.
Here’s how one article quoted from the new study: “[the father] engaging in multiple types of structured activities several times a week – even if just for short periods of time – helps to enrich a child’s cognitive and language development”. The researchers described the impact of fathers as “a unique and important effect”.
Let’s be clear from the start: nobody could disagree that fathers can have a big impact on their children in all sorts of ways – that’s obvious. But here, the researchers meant “unique and important effect” in a very specific sense: a statistical effect you can observe in an analysis of data. And that means we can check to see if the claims add up.
Using data from the large-scale Millennium Cohort Study, in which several thousand children born in the years 2000-2002 have been tracked and re-contacted multiple times over the years, the authors looked at how a father’s involvement with his child in their very first years (his report of how often he did things like reading to the child, telling them stories, taking them to the park, and so on) related to their later educational test scores at the ages of five and seven.
By the way, this wasn’t a study about “absent fathers” – the families in the study were selected to be “intact”. That is, the parents, who were all opposite-sex, were still together at the point where the educational measurements were made.
In general, the effects in the study are quite small: there are modest correlations between some aspects of a father’s reported activities and his child’s performance on tests some years later (the full results of the study are not yet available online, but the lead researcher sent i a summary report of the findings on request. Some of the technical results are also available in the form of conference slides).
Given that many of the correlations are statistically significant, meaning they’d be unlikely to occur if there was in fact no relation between the fathers’ activities and the children’s outcomes, does that mean we can conclude that science shows a father’s involvement helps children do better at school?
Alas, not even close.
Confounding factors
This kind of “observational” research—studies that collect information on people going about their normal lives, and don’t try to change them or randomise them to treatment and control groups—comes with a well-known list of problems. The main one is that all you have is correlation: even though you might want to draw causal conclusions (“fathers cause their children to do better at school”) from the study, you simply can’t. It’s not an experiment or a quasi-experiment, so you have to be careful and just say that you’ve found “associations” or “links”, avoiding language that makes it sound like you’ve discovered what causes what.
That’s because of the influence of “confounding” factors: to take one of many possible examples, if higher income allows fathers to spend more time reading to their children (because they don’t need to work a second job in the evenings) and also helps their children’s academic attainment (maybe they can afford to feed them a more nutritious diet which helps their brain develop) then you might be mistaken if you said the reading, and not the income, was the true underlying cause.
Like most kinds of observational study, this research used statistics to “control” for some of these factors – for example adding income into the equation to (at least partially) deal with the problem of confounding. This is a tricky business, and still doesn’t necessarily mean you can conclude that you’ve discovered a causal relationship.
Nevertheless, the report of the study is littered with causal language, telling us that, for example, “father’s involvement… helps increase their child’s educational attainment”; that “greater father involvement… provides an educational advantage”; and that “both parents’ involvement in reading is important for enhancing children’s progression in school”. These kinds of straightforwardly causal statements go far beyond what the correlational data can show.
It gets worse
But there’s an even more fundamental problem with this kind of parenting research – a more important confounding factor that renders the research close to useless.
Consider the potential reasons why children are similar to their parents – or, at least, more similar than they are to a randomly-chosen person off the street. It could be a direct effect of parenting: the parents teach the child to behave in similar ways to them, “modelling” certain behaviours and ensuring the child follows them. For example, by reading to his child, a father might instil the value of books and thus improve his child’s academic potential.
That’s the default answer people come up with when they’re thinking about why children resemble their parents. But wait: children are similar to their parents in all sorts of ways that can’t be “instilled” through parenting. For example, taller-than-average parents have taller-than-average kids.
This is due in large part to a commonly-overlooked factor: genetics (and if for some reason you think that height is all to do with the environment, perhaps to do with richer parents giving their kids better food that helps them grow taller, consider something even more basic: children usually look similar to their parents).
Parents—biological ones, anyway—pass on genes to their kids, and this can influence their behaviour in the same way it can influence their height. Anxious parents have anxious kids; smart parents have smart kids; conscientious parents have conscientious kids, and so on – again, at least in comparison to a randomly-chosen child of no particular genetic relation to them.
So when you notice a relation between a parenting behaviour and a child outcome—in the case we’re considering here, between the activities a father does with an infant and their later school performance—you have to ask whether the study has considered other explanations that aren’t due to the parenting. Are smarter dads more likely to read to their children? If that seems at all plausible, the researchers need to rule out a genetic explanation before they draw the conclusion that the parenting influenced the child’s intellectual performance.
These researchers didn’t. Although their study includes the controls I mentioned above, it doesn’t control for genetics. Indeed, it can’t control for genetics, because the Millennium Cohort Study wasn’t set up that way: it contains people who aren’t related to each other (any more than the average). In order to really control for genetics, and to avoid this problem of “genetic confounding”, they’d need to have done something like a twin study, where statistical techniques can tease out parenting effects from the comparison of identical to fraternal twins.
Because the study wasn’t set up to control for this crucial factor—and because it wasn’t a randomised trial where children were randomly assigned to spend more or less time with their father—we simply can’t draw the conclusion that the father’s activity had any impact whatsoever.
Flawed from the start
Nobody is arguing that the effects of fathers that were found in the study are definitely explained by genetics, or that parenting doesn’t have any impact at all. Instead, the point is that because of this fundamental flaw in the study—it doesn’t control for genetics—the research simply can’t tell us what we need to know. Compared to where we were before this research was done, we’re no further forward in knowing whether and how much involvement from fathers makes a difference.
To repeat a point from the start: nobody denies that in some sense—an important sense!—fathers make a difference. But we’re focusing here on the claims made in this specific study: if we already knew all the answers about parenting effects, we wouldn’t need to do such research in the first place. And that means we have to take the findings on their merits, regardless of what we believed beforehand.
When asked about the issue of genetic confounding, which isn’t explicitly mentioned anywhere in the summary report, the study’s lead researcher, Helen Norman, told i she agreed that the study wasn’t set up to address the question. “We are in no way claiming”, she wrote, “that the effect of fathers involvement on children’s educational outcomes is causal. That would not be possible to do with the data we have and the type of analysis we do”.
But, as documented above, the summary report of the study does contain many causal claims. Arguably the entire discussion of the study, which comes with many policy suggestions, is predicated on it having shown causal effects, and not mere correlations. The very name of the project—“Paternal Involvement and its Effects on Children’s Education” (PIECE)—implies a causal impact of paternal involvement.
Research like this isn’t free. In this case, it was funded by the UK Government, through its Economic and Social Research Council. Checking the funder’s website reveals that the project cost the taxpayer £243,713.32. That might not be huge compared to many scientific grants, but it’s still a lot of money – especially considering the research can’t begin to address the question it was intended to answer.
We’ve known about this problem of genetic confounding in parenting research for a very long time. Books have been written about it. Although they don’t specifically discuss it, the Leeds academics even cite research that highlights the problem in their report. We should expect researchers—perhaps especially those spending taxpayer’s money—to rigorously deal with these major issues head-on, rather than avoiding them and continuing to make inappropriate causal claims regardless.
It’s a noble goal to try to want to help fathers play a bigger role in their children’s lives. Their involvement is a great and lovely thing in and of itself, regardless of any cognitive, educational, or other measurable benefits. But when we want to do a scientific study, we have to set all that aside and do disinterested research that truly addresses the question at hand.
Sadly that didn’t happen here. But it’s a lesson for those of us who read about this kind of research: the next time you see a study of parenting, ask whether it controlled for genetics. If it didn’t, you can stop reading right there.