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Why was RAAC used? When schools were first built from aerated concrete and how many are affected

More than 100 schools have been partially or fully closed this week due to the presence of unstable reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in their buildings.

It has led to thousands of pupils being prevented from returning to classrooms for the start of the new academic year, with the Government facing significant criticism over its handling of the crisis.

Downing Street sources have insisted Rishi Sunak was never made aware of the severity of the problem while he was chancellor. The Prime Minister has been desperately defending his decision-making during his time at the Treasury in the wake of claims that he rejected requests for more school capital funding, despite concerns over the risk of buildings collapsing.

What is RAAC?

RAAC is a lightweight, precast, cellular concrete building material made from quartz sand, calcined gypsum, lime, portland cement, water and aluminum powder.

Its lighter weight is achieved by using chemicals to create bubbles within it. A cross-section of a slab of RAAC looks similar in texture to an Aero chocolate bar.

Why was RAAC used in the first place?

RAAC was used in roof, floor and wall construction due to being lighter in weight, reducing the load placed on supporting structures and foundations.

It also has good fire resistance properties without needing plastering and fire does not cause spalls, which is when fragments get broken off.

Not all RAAC is dangerous by nature. It is still manufactured and installed all over the world and can be an appropriate construction material if properly designed, manufactured, installed, and maintained.

When was RAAC used in the UK?

RAAC started being used predominantly in public sector roof construction in the UK and parts of Europe in the 1950s and continued to be used until the 90s, but the material has been found to have structural issues that means it begins to deteriorate after 40 or 50 years. That means much of the RAAC that remains in British buildings is now at risk of causing a collapse.

Professor Chris Goodier, an expert in construction engineering and materials who led a major national research project on RAAC for the University of Loughborough, explains: “Like many countries, the UK has an old building stock, which needs to be adequately repaired and maintained. In the post-war period the country built numerous new buildings with a variety of different methods, many of which are now feeling their age.

“One innovative construction material and process was RAAC, which is an aerated lightweight cementitious material with no coarse aggregate; the material properties and structural behaviour therefore differs significantly from ‘traditional’ reinforced concrete.

“Tens of thousands of these structural panels exist across a broad cross-section of buildings, many constructed in the 60s and 70s, and many are showing signs of wear and tear and deterioration. The vast majority form the roof of the structure, usually flat, and hence are difficult to access, survey, maintain and replace.”

A report published in May 2019 highlighted the significant risk of failure of these planks and in September last year the Government sent a notice to relevant property owners stating that “RAAC is now life-expired and liable to collapse”.

Professor Goodier said it is RAAC “from the 50s, 60s and 70s that is of main concern, especially if it has not been adequately maintained”.

“RAAC examples have been found with bearings (supports) which aren’t big enough, and RAAC with the steel reinforcement in the wrong place, both of which can have structural implications. Prolonged water ingress (not uncommon on old flat roofs) can also lead to deterioration,” he said.

How many schools have RAAC in?

The Department for Education (DfE) has contacted 156 schools in England warning them that their buildings contain RAAC. Of those, 52 schools have already received repair works in the past few months, but 104 require urgent action and have been told to either fully or partially close.

As well as schools, the Government has confirmed that 24 hospitals, seven court buildings and thousands of homes also contain RAAC and could be at risk of collapse.

Seven of the 24 hospitals need full replacement and will be rebuilt through the Government’s delayed flagship “40 hospitals” project, while mitigations are being put in place for the others.

Harrow Crown Court in London has been forced to close, while the Department for Work and Pensions has also been forced to “divest” one of four buildings containing RAAC.

It is believed that prisons are also likely to be affected, while property experts are concerned about the presence of RAAC in council and other homes, with the Government continuing to carry out surveys of public buildings across its estate.

James Porter, a partner at building consultancy firm Rapleys, which has been investigating RAAC in properties for around three years, said there was “every chance” that facilities like immigration detention centres and prisons would contain it.

“Any building constructed between the 50s and 80s could contain this product and it needs checking,” he told i.

Mr Porter suggested that RAAC may need to be treated like asbestos. It is illegal not to know if a building contains asbestos if it was built before 2000.

“There is no obligation with RAAC because it’s new, but it’s no different really: you’re exposing the occupants to risk.”

Schools minister Nick Gibb told BBC Breakfast: “Right across the public sector, we are surveying the estate. You’ve heard of a court closing at Harrow. We are taking action, of course, in the hospital sector as well.

“Hospitals are very large buildings and they have teams of very expert maintenance people monitoring the building the whole time. They use propping where they identify RAAC and also we are rebuilding seven hospitals because of extensive RAAC in those hospitals.”

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